Permanent treatment for psoriasis: Homeopathy.


Autoimmune chronic skin disease.

Definition: A skin disease that causes. Red itchy scaly patches skin cells multiply upto 10x than normal 

Site : Most commonly on knees , elbows , trunk & scalp.

Accompainted e white – silvery flakes

A common , long – term ( chronic ) disease has no cure. 

It tends to grow through cycles, flaring for a few weeks/ months , then subsiding for a while / going into remission.


# Psoriasis signs & symp can vary from person to person. Common signs & symp include.

1 Red patches & skin covered e thick silvery scale erup 

2 small scaling spots ( commonly seen in children)

3 Dry cracked skin that may bleed / itch. 

4 Itching , burning / soreness. 

5 Thickness , pitted / ridged nails. 

6 Swollen & stiff joints 

# Psoriasis patches can range from a few spots of dandruff like scaling to major crop that cover large areas 

Commonly affected areas- Lower back, elbows, knees , legs, soles of feet, scalp, face & palms 

# Most types of psoriasis go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks/ months , then subsiding for a time / even going into remission. 

# plaque psoriasis : Most common form causes dry raised; red skin patches (resions ) covered e silvery scales. 

# Nail psoriasis: it can affects fingernails & toenails causing pitting , abnormal nail growth & discolors

–Psoriatic nail might loosen & separate from nail bed (onycholysis) 

# Guttate psoriasis: Affects young adults & children

– usually triggered by a bacterial infection Such as strep throats 

– Marked by small , drop – shaped, scaling louis on trunk , arms/legs

# Inverse psoriasis: Mainly affects skin folds of groin, buttocks & breasts. 

– causes smooth patches of red skin that’s woven e frick & sweating (inf) flexes of joints, b/w fingers

# Pustular psoriasis: 

Rare form of psoriasis causes clearly defined full-filled lesions that occur in widespread patches ( generalized pustular psoriasis) / in smaller area on palms & hands / soles of feets

# Erythrodermic psoriasis : “Fiery redness of skin” triggered by skin burn 

– Least common types of psoriasis. 

– can cover entire body e a red , pulling rash that can itch / burn intensely

# Psoriatic arthritis: 

– Causes swollen , painful joints that are typical of arthritis. 

– Sometimes joint symp are first / only sump/ sign of psoriasis. 

– At times, only nail changes are seen 

– symp range from mild – severe

– stiffness 

– progressive joints damage may lead to permanent joint damage 


1 Infec – like strep throat/ skin infections

2 Weather esp cold , dry con

3 Injury to skin — such as cut/ scrape , a bug – bite / a severe sunburn 

4 stress 

5 Smoking & exp. To secondhand smoke. 

6 Stress

7 Smoking & exp to secondhand smoke 

8 Heavy alcohol consump 

9 certain medica — including lithium , high BP medica & anti– malarial drugs 

10 Rapid withdrawal & oral / systemic corticosteroids

Risk factors 

# Family 

# Stress 

# Smoking 

# Compliears

1 Psoriatic arthritis 

2 eye con — conjunctivitis , blepharitis, uveitis 

3 obesity 

4 Type 2 DM 

5 High B.P

6 Cardiovascular disease

7 Autoimmune disease like coeliac disease, sclerosis & IBX — chronic  disease 

8 Mental health con  depress & low self esteem 


Homeopathy today is a growing system. Its strength lies in its evidence effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the slick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual & physical levels. 

The scope of Homeopathy in the treatment of psoriasis lies in eliminating the disease from its root–cause. 

– Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis acts on the body by stimulating one’s immunity and by restoring the deviation from the health. 

–They help to control psoriasis without any side-effects

– Also Homeopathic 7/7 for psoriasis is based on various factors like location of patches &            Modalities of patches . It tackles the trigger factors that cause the disease

— Therefore Homeopathy will help in reducing the intensity of complaints gently and increase the body’s own healing power .

— Homeopathy for psoriasis provides long–term relief, ultimately curing the disease over some time. 

1 Sulphur: 

For intense itching & burning 

– A violent itching attends & the person goes on scratching the skin until it bleeds. 

— A burning sensation follow scratching 

— Affected area looks bright red & irritated.

The skin is rough, scaly & gets painful after rubbing as if denuded

— Itching is wandering ; change place frequently 

— The inflamed eruptions are worse form warmth patient gets worse in evening, night, when in bed 

— sometimes helpful to people who have repeatedly used medication to suppress psoriasis. 

Accompanying symptoms : 

Pricking, biting & sticking sensation in eruption H/o of excessive use of ointucents in the past

2. Arsenincum Albom: 

Skin : Dry , rough, red papular eruption with scales on it. 

# scale — silver coloured

–Eruptions cover mosts parts of body, accepts face & hands 

– Eruptions spread rapidly & are accompanied by itching. 

– Itching is worsened by cold; While warmth seems to relieve it. 

– pain on the affected side comes after scratching the eruptions. 

— Bleeding spots appear on skin following scratching. 

— effective in cases of guttate psoriasis. 

— small rose coloured spots with scales appear. 

— Restlessness and anxiety may accompany itchy erup. 

— Mainly treats psoriasis on palms & fingernails .

3 Graphites Naturalis: 

— Effective in cases of scalp psoriasis. 

— in such cases eruption with scale appear on the scalp 

— The scalp may be sore to touch e distressing 

— Burning sensation on top of head 

— eruption on scalp can also spread behind the cases

— Also effective in cases of nair psoriasis. The characteristic features are : Rough, thick & deformed nails 

— Constitutionally suited to fatty, chilly & costive patients who have thickened skin. Sometimes

Skin complaints are characterized with a dry , cracked skin with a watery  transparent & sticky discharge

— useful in cases of psoriasis e constipation

— To treat rough , dry, cracked skin/ raw skin on joints, groin, neck & ears. 


— suitable remedy for psoriasis where deep cracks appear on the skin 

— Burning sensation & intolerable itching on the affected skin. 

— Bleeding may be ( tnt) in the cracks

— The skin is intensely sore painful hard fissured & slow to heal 

— crawling sensation on skin may attend over under the skin

— skin complaints usually aggravate in winters

5 Psorinum 

— useful in psoriasis that worsens in winters key indication — Fine red eruptions covered e white scales, which neosen in cold weather prevent on : follow of knee / elbow 

— Itching appears scratching provides temporary relief:

— The skin looks dusty & greasy .

— Psorinum patients are extremely chilly , who wants to be hearapped up even in the hottest summer weather