What is homeopathy

Home What is homeopathy


Homeopathy is the most practiced Holistic system of medicine in the world today. It is a medical science introduced by German scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. MD in 1794. It is a scientific system of medicine based on certain fixed laws and principles.

Interestingly, The Homeopathic medicines are prepared in such a way that rather than using harsh chemicals for treating humans, homeopathy uses potentized medicine substances in the form of nanoparticles, which have been found treating disease at much deeper level.

Homeopathy treats you as an individual and not just your diseased parts independently so that the cure happens not just internally but completely and permanently as a whole. That is the reason homeopathy is said to be treating from it roots.

Thereby improving the immunity of an individual

Unlike other medical sciences, homeopathy does not treat on the name of the disease but it looks for the cause, the root of the disease. When the cause is removed, the disease automatically goes away.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Homeopathy is the 2nd largest system of Medicine with a growth rate of 30% YOY.

Latest survey in India reveled that almost 59% of people take homeopathy as their first choice of medicine.

Globally, over 600 million people take homeopathic treatment.

100 million Indians today depend solely on Homeopathy for their health solution.

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