It may be a sign of some underlying health problem!
A menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of a period to the first day of the next. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this can vary for individual females and month to month (getting periods on time).
Periods are still considered regular if they come every 24 to 38 days. Periods are considered irregular if the time between periods keeps changing and periods come earlier or later.
Primary amenorrhea is the absence of initiation of menses, and secondary amenorrhea is an absence of menses in a previously normal menstruating female (best homeopathy doctor near me).
Causes –
Causes of primary amenorrhea :
1. Chromosomal or genetic problem with the ovaries (the female sex organs that hold the eggs). 2. Hormonal issues stemming from problems with the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland. (Homeopathy in Jaipur)
3. Structural problem with the reproductive organs, such as missing parts of the reproductive system (homeopathic clinic near me).
Causes of secondary amenorrhea :
1. Pregnancy (which is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhea).
2. Breastfeeding.
3. Menopause.
4. Some birth control methods, such as, intrauterine devices (IUDs)
5. Previous uterine surgery with subsequent scarring (for example, D&C).
6. Stress.
7. Poor nutrition.
8. Weight changes — extreme weight loss or obesity.
9. Exercising associated with low weight.
10.Ongoing illness or chronic illness.
11.Primary ovarian insufficiency, menopause before age 40.
12.Hypothalamus disorders, such as functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA) — which is also called hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA). FHA is a condition where amenorrhea is associated with stress or weight loss, but isn’t clearly caused by an organic issue with a woman’s body. 13.Pituitary disorders, such as a benign pituitary tumor or excessive production of prolactin. 14.Other hormonal problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal disorders or hypothyroidism. (dandruff homeopathic medicine)
15.Ovarian tumors.
16.Surgery to remove uterus or ovaries (prostatomegaly meaning).
Other symptoms that may be associated with amenorrhea
1. Hot flashes.
2. Vaginal dryness.
3. Headaches.
4. Acne.
5. Excess hair growth on face and body.
6. Breast heaviness
7. Mood swings
1. Hemoglobin- Abnormal haemoglobin level may cause menstrual abnormalities.
2. Ultrasonography- It provides the images of internal organs and help to dignose any structural abnormality of uterus, Polycystic ovaries, pregnancy etc.
3. Hormonal studies- Thyroid profile, Prolactin levels, Free testosterone levels, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)luteinizing hormone (LH) serum estradiol, Progestin levels give idea about any hormonal abnormalities behind amenorrhea (homeo doctor near me).
Homeopathic medicines help to bring hormonal balance and regulate the periods. Homeopathic constitutional medicines address the root cause of the problem and treat it permanently. Therapeutic indications of some homeopathic medicines are as follows:
1. Pulsatilla – Missed Periods with a weepy, changeable mood.
2. Sepia – For delayed periods in menopausal age group females with excessive downward pressure in pelvic organs.
3. Natrum Mur – For Amenorrhea of young anemic girls with headache.
4. Graphites – For Females having Tendency of Late and Scanty Menses .
5. Conium – For Amenorrhea with tender and swollen breasts.
6. Ignatia – For Suppressed Menses from Grief.
General Management
Maintain optimal weight.
Take plenty of plant based raw diets.
Deep breathing exercises and meditation.
Exercise at least 5 days in a week.